Hey to all my loyal followers and fashionistas! This week, I thought I’d take a long step back and spend a bit of time talking about me, my mission, and why I’m global ambassador for LUC8K. I get asked this question a lot on my travels, especially when I’m being held at Customs in various airports around the world. Sometimes they ask me, ‘Miss Sophie, do you have anything to declare?’ and I always reply with the same answer; ‘Yes, my love for bespoke, sustainable bags, darling!’
I’ve been lucky enough to be the spokes-giraffe for LUC8K, and it’s been the most fun a globe - trotting girl can have. It’s been a wild ride baby, time has flown by, and I’ve had some amazing times on my travels, meeting royalty, going to fashion shows, strutting my stuff on the catwalks in Paris and Milan! I even made it into Forbes! I’m hot stuff, baby!
Anyway, so, you’re probably wondering, how did it all start? And where and when did I learn to speak almost perfect English? Well, I’ll start at the beginning. Are you sitting comfortably darlings? Then I’ll begin. Buckle up for a wild ride through sustainability, vibrant colors, and one-of-a-kind style!

From Savannah to Runway: A Giraffe's Unexpected Fashion Journey
Once upon a Time in the Savannah, I was trotting around the park with my two young calves, and as usual, a Jeep full of curious humans pulled up to take pictures of those pesky lions. I love posing, but they all seemed to prefer gawping at the lions as they were sunbathing. Pfffft. There is no accounting for taste. There was one lady though, who broke away from the pack and came over to us. “Hi, I’m Karen Olivo, nice to meet you” she said as she held out her hand and fed my calves a bunch of eucalyptus leaves, which was a nice thing to do, even though it’s generally frowned upon by the park wardens.
We got chatting, and I complimented her on her beautiful messenger bag. I’d never seen colors like that before, so rich and vibrant and stunning, and not only did she tell me that she chose the colors herself, but that she actually makes the bags herself too! Well, I couldn’t believe it! Such a talented human! I nearly chocked on my leaves!
Discovering the Heart of LUC8K's Craftsmanship and Ethical Luxury
But then, she told me her own amazing story, and that she set up her own bespoke, luxury leather bag company in Switzerland after working for some time in the luxury watch industry out there where they have this thing called ‘snow’. Her passion is sustainable fashion, and she wanted to create a truly unique range of bags and accessories where no two are the same, because people can choose their own colors and lucky numbers to be added! Woooow, tell me more I said!

“I believe that your bag should be as unique as you are. That's why I created LUC8K, a made-to-order concept that allows you to choose your colors, embrace the power of eight, and let our skilled elves in France craft your one-of-a-kind masterpiece” she said.
Skilled elves? In France?! I’d always wanted to go there, and my calves love elves and all kinds of magical things like that, so now they too wanted to know more! Karen went on to say that what sets LUC8K apart is their commitment to sustainability, and that true luxury lies not just in the quality of their products, but in the way they're made. Wise words indeed, I thought. That's why they only work with suppliers who share the same LUC8K values, carefully vetting each and every one to ensure they meet their ludicrously high standards for quality, ethics, and sustainability.
The Magic of Personalization: More Than Just a Bag
As I listened, captivated by Karen’s stories, (like me, she used to be a model too!) she pulled out a leather swatch book. "Choose your colors and let your inner fashionista shine!" she said, and my eyes twinkled with mischief and joy at the thought. I wanted to ask her what she was doing with a color swatch in the middle of a Savannah safari tour but I didn’t really care, I just wanted to see the colors!

I flipped through the pages, running my hoof over the soft, supple leather. The colors were rich and vibrant, ranging from aurora red to bright arctic blue. I paused on a shade of green that reflected the lush, green leaves I love to chew on.
"That's the one," I said, nodding approvingly. “Great” said Karen. "Now, choose your lucky numbers. Eight is a magical number, you know – the symbol of infinity."
I pondered this for a moment, then decided to use my date of birth, because that day was the luckiest of my entire life. What my mother went through to give birth to me was a mission in itself, bang slap in the middle of drought season.
"This is your bag," Karen said. "It's a reflection of your journey in life so far, your adventures, and your unique style. Our skilled elves in France will bring it to life, and craft it with the utmost care and attention to detail. And I’ll tell you what, how would you like to come to France with me, and you can watch the elves as they work on making your chosen bag?”
The French Connection: A Road Trip to Remember
I nearly lost my sh*t! Seriously?? I couldn’t believe my luck, pardon the pun! And that’s how it all started. Karen booked me on a flight, and we sat together talking about each other’s lives for the entire journey. Turns out, we’re so different yet so alike in so many ways. Karen and I may look worlds apart - hooves vs hands, long neck vs... well, you know. But beneath the surface, we're kindred spirits. We both have impeccable taste, a passion for the finer things, and a weakness for a bit of bubbly when the sun dips below the horizon. After all, what's a day of fabulous without a touch of fizz to celebrate?
I was mesmerised, and so was a woman sitting opposite me. What, had she never seen a giraffe ordering the vegetable meal option on a long-haul flight before? I think I drank the plane dry of water too, so when we touched down in Paris, I was bloated, to say the least. It took Karen and what seemed like an army of humans to get me off the plane and through the airport. My blurry vision was making me see double, so those 8 helpers might have actually been 4... Oh, the joys of high-altitude giraffe glamour!
On our long but beautiful drive to the French atelier where the LUC8K bags are made, I was so excited at meeting the elves, and I promised my calves I would get a Sophie selfie with them all. We drove through some beautiful villages and lush green fields, and Karen pointed to some cows grazing happily and care-free in the meadow.
“See those cows?” Karen said. “They roam wild and free before they are used for their beef and we use their hides for their exquisite leather. They are happy cows, and that’s how we like it to be.”
Meeting the Artisans: Elves or Master Craftsmen?
When we pulled up to the atelier, I was so excited, I had to go pee in the bushes! I was then introduced to Pierre, one of the crafty elves that makes the LUC8K bags by hand. He had a moustache, a red beret, a striped shirt, and had a string of garlic hanging around his neck. Just kidding! He did have a moustache though, and a very nice French accent.
“Zis way, ladies” he said, and my heart skipped a beat. I’ve been called many things in my life, but never a lady!

A giraffe could get used to this, I thought. Once inside, he guided me and Karen to the craft workshop where some other French elves were busy making my own, personalised bag. Wow. I mean, seriously, the attention to detail was astounding, and they were beavering away to the joyous sounds of De Bussey Clare De Lune playing on an old record player. Truly Delightful! A masterpiece, and so was my bag!
A true work of art. Every stitch, every rivet, every zipper pull was being crafted with meticulous attention to detail. The leather was soft and supple, the colors vibrant and rich. As I stretched my long neck over one of the elves, I was a bit embarrassed as I was salivating and a bit of it dripped onto his head, but like a true pro, he pretended it didn’t happen and carried on stitching my bag as if by magic.
The Magic of Personalization: More Than Just a Bag
But the real magic lies in the little details like the lucky numbers embossed together with the label, a secret message that only you can decipher, James Bond style. Every LUC8K bag is like a giraffe's spots – totally unique! We stamp our fabulous label right next to your lucky numbers. It's not just arm candy, it's your personal masterpiece! No other brand does this, darlings. It's LUC8K's special sauce in the world of fancy-schmancy accessories. Talk about standing tall in the fashion savannah!
As I ran my hoof over the bag, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. This wasn’t just a bag – it's a piece of me, a reflection of my unique style and my love for adventure. I wasn’t just in luck, I was in love with my new bag, and my love affair with LUC8K was born.
But the magic of LUC8K didn’t end there for me. No, my gorgeous fashionistas, that was just the start of my beautiful journey. Thanks to Karen, and through LUC8K, my eyes were opened to a whole new world of color, travel, sustainability, and human beings I never thought I’d get the chance to meet and be inspired by.
Sophie's Sassy Take on Sustainable Fashion
I’ve never been one to shy away from drama or the spotlight, but being spokesgiraffe for LUC8K has really helped me find my place in the world, and it’s sparked something in me I never knew I had – sassiness! Don’t get me wrong, those pesky lions and hyenas keep me on my hooves, but there are so many other dangers out there, and some of them aren’t hiding in bushes waiting to pounce – they are online, on TV, in the media, in plain sight for all to see. Influencers like the Kardashians who have a billion more followers than Sir David Attenborough. Too many idiots (there’s no other word for them I can think of) like these are given air-time when they should be starved of oxygen. They claim to care about the planet as they fly on private jets half-way around the world to pick up their favourite sushi dish.
Sustainability is not just a buzzword for LUC8K – it’s a way of life and a state of mind, and it’s something we are all deeply passionate about. Actions always speak louder than words, and that’s why I’ll always call BS when I see it or hear it from other luxury brands or people who really should know better – people who should use their millions of followers for good, not just to peddle twaddle.

Embracing True Colors: A Call for Sustainable Choices
It has been an absolute pleasure for me so far to work with LUC8K, and between me and you, the best is yet to come. LUC8K have big plans for the future, and I can't wait to share them with you! I am one very lucky giraffe!
In the coming months and years, you can expect to see new bag styles, new color combinations, and new ways of customizing your bag. LUC8K will be collaborating with artists, designers, and thinkers from around the world to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of luxury leather goods. I’ll be doing more globe-trotting too, so maybe it’s time for me to stick my neck out and invest in a new wardrobe!
Change is coming, but one thing will never change: LUC8K’s commitment to quality, sustainability, and personal style. They believe that every bag should be a work of art, and they'll never compromise on that the same way I will never allow my calves to get their noses pierced or a tattoo of Kim Kardashian on their butts.
So, there’s my LUC8K story so far. In this crazy-ass world we live in right now, it’s good to know there’s still some good humans out there who really do care about the planet and the animals and humans that are lucky enough to call this beautiful place, home.
We should take good care of it, and each other. Go out there and make the most of every single day.
Until next time, live your true colors, make the most of any opportunity that comes your way, be good, be sassy, and make your own LUC8K.
With Love, Sophie x